Today, I will Tell how to change your IP address. Every time when we connect to internet we face a problem of giving our ISP(Internet Service Provider). This IP remain same untill we disconnect the internet.
But the problems starts if you have a Cable/DSL router. Some ISP-s set those routers in a so called routing mode, so that the IP cannot be changed manually by user, but rather by the ISP himself after 24 hours. There are two way of changing your IP address when your router is in a routing mode.
One Funny way is there that plug your router and after some minutes again plug it back . That is there a way to change your ip address But how many times we can do like that.
So, I have a nice trick to change your ip address using cmd(Command Prompt)
So Lets Start ---->
- First click on RUN, then type cmd on that
Then in that command prompt write ipconfig, then hit enter then a number of ip's list will seen below
In this list above the adapter is Local Area Connection. That is because the router is not wireless. If you use a wireless router, your adapter will be a Wireless. So, in this picture there are three IP addresses. The one we need is the default gateway. The default gateway is actually the IP of our router. We’ll just copy that IP and paste it into the address bar of your web browser(IE, Firefox, Chrome etc…).
Now we are actually trying to enter the router. There will be a welcome screen with a username and a password for entering the router. It is usually admin or user for the username and Password is usally 0000 but if that does not work, just google your router brand and you’ll easily find it(or contact your ISP for it). When you click OK, you are in the router. Here you can do all kinds of stuff, depending on which router you have. But the thing we need to find is the connect/disconnect button. It is probably under Status or a tab similar to that(it is different with every router). You just click the button and the router will do the thing he does every 24 hours. Now, just connect back and that’s it, you have a new IP address.
You Are Done.
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